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Saturday 7 July 2012

My social weekend

Since my kiddiwinks were born, I can count on one hand how many nights out I have been on.

Which is why this week is veeeery strange...

I went out on Thursday night for a nice civilised dinner ...

.... I am going out tonight for what may be an odd combination of civilised buffet / disco bop ...

 Hmmmm.  I am not planning on making too many shapes on the dancefloor.  First of all I am too old, and secondly I have to be compos mentis tomorrow as in the morning I am off to North London to my very first London Modern Quilt Guild meeting!

I am not as scared as I might be as I have already met some of these lovely ladies and seen the great work that they have done on their John Lewis quilts.  My favourite is the Andy Warhol Queen!

Can't wait!
Gertie xxx


  1. You party animal!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm the same about nights out since the Dandelions arrived.
    Hope you have lots of fun.
    Wishing I was coming to the LMQG tomorrow.

  2. Woohoo! Perfect weekend. Enjoy! Di x

  3. Hope we live up to expectations tomorrow! It will be great to see you. Let me know if you need anything.
